Embracing the "Soft Life": My Journey to Finding Balance and Joy

Hey there, fashion lovers! I wanted to share something with you all that's been on my mind lately. I've been getting comments on my photos recently that says "soft girl era" and it got me thinking about the concept of living a "soft life."

For those who may not know, "soft life" is a term that is all about living a comfortable and low-stress lifestyle. It's about setting boundaries and making self-care a priority in order to find balance and happiness in your life.

For me, a "soft life" has been a game changer. Growing up, I faced a lot of struggles from financial hardships to difficult relationships, and it always felt like life was throwing curveballs at me. But as I got older, I realized that I didn't have to continue living a life filled with stress and pressure. I learned to say no to things that didn't serve me and to create a life that was fulfilling and enjoyable.

I made time for things that brought me joy like starting new projects, working out, and spending time with friends and family. I also set boundaries at work and in my relationships so that I wasn't constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. And let me tell you, finding a loving relationship with my husband and the joy my kids bring me played a big role in my idea of soft life.

But "soft life" isn't just about material possessions or opulence. It's not just about living a luxurious lifestyle. It's about creating a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable, regardless of your circumstances. It's about self-awareness, intentionality, and joy.

I've been intentional about how, what, and where I put my time into. I made a conscious decision to live life in a way that makes me feel fulfilled and proud to look into my reflection in the mirror. Every year I set a goal for myself, to journal something at the end of each week that I am proud about. Something that has pushed me closer to my goals. Whatever that may be. It can be an accomplishment, a nice moment with my husband, or something cute my kids did. This helps me stay on track and realize that I am living life with intention.

For me, "soft life" has been an important tool for self-preservation and self-care. It's helped me to find balance and joy in the midst of struggle. And I'm grateful for that. That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes take a few steps backward. While I do sometimes take a few steps backward, it's all part of the journey of life. Making mistakes and learning from them helps me stay present and accountable. I hope that by sharing my experience, I can inspire others to make changes in their own lives and start living a "soft life" too. Thank you for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Sending you all positive vibes. Xo


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